Abstract: The management of a global economy based on neo-liberal doctrine only adds to the instability of the world. The concept of sustainable development is based on alternative principles: active...
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Abstract: An economic-mathematical model of interaction of two countries one of which owns resources, and the other one has more developed manufacturing technologies, is suggested. A possibility of the power...
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Abstract: The article describes the modern theory of economic crises, explores different interpretations of the causes of the crisis, as well as the types of crises. It is proved that...
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Abstract: The article gives the definition and classification of socio-economic crises. Socio-economic crises are often preceded by financial crises. It is shown the view of foreign researchers on the factors...
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Abstract: The author analyzes the substantial elements of the “foreign economic activity” concept that reflect its public and private law characteristics. The author proposes his understandings of the “foreign economic...
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Abstract: The evolution is traced in the article of theoretical views on social state, the positioning is presented of the concept of “social market economy” among other economic streams, the...
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Abstract: Changes in migration legislation of the Russian Federation in 2007 actualize migration prediction between visa- free entry countries for the definition of further migration policy in Russia. The decision...
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Abstract: The features of the market of forbidden, subject to control and not forbidden, making psychophysical impact on a human body, psychoactive agents are considered in the article. The place...
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Abstract: Based on the theoretical, analytical and sociological studies peculiarities of evolutionary and institutional development of private pension funds. The evaluation of the benefits and problems of APF in terms...
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Abstract: The place and role of an individual in economic theories has traditionally attracted the attention of researchers, describing the objectives and mechanisms of economic agents’ behavior. The article presents...
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Abstract: The problem of projecting institutes’ evaluation has been considered in the article. On the base of the special literature analysis concerning the problems of institutes’ effectiveness the need for...
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Abstract: The article substantiates the need for the development of institutional environment as a factor of competitive industrial clusters formation in a region economy. Features of the institutional environment are...
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Abstract: The article suggests a balanced approach to justify the perspective of innovative image region based on the principles of complementary use of traditional methods of economic statistics, regional marketing...
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Abstract: In article questions of forecasting of a construction complex of the region providing functioning and development of national economy are considered. Author’s approach to forecasting the development of the...
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Abstract: Various mechanisms for the formation of expectations of economic agents are considered. The formation of expectations based on adaptive learning is considered as one of the mechanisms for continual...
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Abstract: Three theorems about choosing better of two investment schemes with the same enterprise planning horizon and the volume of investment are obtained for accelerator model. The theorems allow, without...
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Abstract: In this article are formulated strategic frameworks for improving the tax mechanism of activate and stimulate for investment and innovation activities. There is develops the offers for perfection of...
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Abstract: Today business requires decisions on coordinating strategy of development of the company and its operational management. For solving this problem, the approach of value — based management is now...
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Abstract: Implementation of reforms in our country in many areas after independence has made it necessary to attract foreign financial resources into the economy. Conducted in connection with the use...
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Abstract: In the context of increasing globalization and the integrity of the global economic system expansion of foreign trade relations, in particular, without the extension and development of accessible means...
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Abstract: Specified evaluation of a structural shift taking into account the dynamic scale of the aggregate evaluated is put forward. It is shown that this indicator levels the measures of...
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Abstract: The institutional analysis of the conditions capable of supporting the implementation of the concept of innovative breakthrough was conducted in the article. It was highlighted risks and contradictions in...
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Abstract: Article is devoted to methodological features of the construction and use of indicators of comparative advantage in international trade. The paper presents the main indicators of comparative advantage, directions...
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Abstract: The article shows main government functions and indicators of public sector efficiency, examines interaction participants, their role sand mechanisms of cooperation, discusses information a symmetry reductionand information sharing institutions,...
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