In the context of increasing globalization and the integrity of the global economic system expansion of foreign trade relations, in particular, without the extension and development of accessible means of foreign trade, as the initial and leading forms of these relationships, it is not possible to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of any country. This issue is very important for both the CIS and Azerbaijan. On the one hand through the development of foreign trade can meet their needs more fully, even in the absence of adequate resources, to establish an effective structure of the economy, to acquire modern equipment and technology to solve similar problems, and on the other hand, they can purchase the feasibility of advantages in the international division labor. However, the expansion and development of foreign trade in accordance with the national interests is no “arbitrary». This requires conducting appropriate, consistent and scientifically based system policy for the sustainable development of foreign trade potential and its effective implementation. Studies indicate that the sustainable development of foreign trade and its effective implementation of a number of problems and unused opportunities. In this area, numerous studies have been conducted by various scientists, whose work has been unequivocally proved that Azerbaijan has a strong economic potential, including in foreign trade, and to expand and realize this potential, we need to develop favorable conditions that can facilitate the resolution of important topical social and economic problems of the country, especially in accelerating the country’s entry into the developed countries and improving the competitiveness of its economy.