Дек 26 Love0 The New Role of Preferential Territories in the Technological and Spatial Development of Russia Olga A. Romanova, Gulia F. Galiullina 2024 (21), №4 https://doi.org/10.31063/AlterEconomics/2024.21-4.2 Читать далее
Дек 23 Love0 From Resistance Economy to Resilient Economy (the Case of an Industrial Region in Russia) Olga A. Romanova, Dmitry Vl. Sirotin, Alena O. Ponomareva 2022 (19), №4 https://doi.org/10.31063/AlterEconomics/2022.19-4.4 Читать далее
Сен 20 Love0 Strategy of development of the integrated structure based on the analysis of real options portfolio Olga A. Romanova, Irina V. Estekhina 2014 ,№3 Abstract: Today business requires decisions on coordinating strategy of development of the company and its operational management. For solving this problem, the approach of value — based management is now...Читать далее