For citation:
Romanova, O. A., & Galiullina, G. F. (2024). The New Role of Preferential Territories in the Technological and Spatial Development of Russia. AlterEconomics, 21(4), 658–676.
Modern geopolitical and technological trends, along with large-scale sanctions against Russia, are reshaping current approaches to the creation and functioning of domestic development institutions. Among these, the institution of preferential territories plays a significant role. This article aims to identify the systemic shortcomings in the current approach to creating preferential territories and to justify their new role as a multi-purpose institution in addressing the modern challenges of technological and spatial development in the country. The article provides an overview of theories of cumulative growth and analyzes both national and international tools for the establishment of preferential territories. It shows that while the current mechanism for creating and operating preferential territories is based on cumulative growth theories, its implementation in Russia is unique and incomplete. The study reveals that most preferential territories focus on addressing immediate regional and municipal survival issues, while their goals are not aligned with the country’s broader strategic development objectives. Out of the 939 operational preferential territories in Russia, only 61 focus on attracting residents with high-tech industries. While preferential territories are a priority in the state policy of spatial development, they play a secondary role in achieving the country’s strategic goals. Given the current turbulence in both global and national economic systems, it is essential to develop concepts for preferential territory development that account for the factors of disequilibrium and nonlinearity in growth. The article proposes a new institutional-synergetic approach, focused on leveraging these factors to generate a synergetic effect. Additionally, an analysis of existing requirements for investment projects in preferential territories shows that they do not prioritize the principles of technological development of Industry 4.0 and 5.0. To tackle this issue, the article offers proposals to improve the regulatory framework for the development of preferential territories.

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