The features of the market of forbidden, subject to control and not forbidden, making psychophysical impact on a human body, psychoactive agents are considered in the article. The place of drugs, psychotropic and other psychoactive agents in official and informal economies is specified. Their transitions to shadow and criminal sectors are shown. The necessity of timely translation from shadow in criminal sector of economy by anticipatory restriction of a turn until making decision on inclusion in «The list of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors which are subject to control in the Russian Federation» is detailed concerning drugs of the new psychoactive agents possessing high narcogene potential. In the paper the market of drugs from the position of system of the social and economic relations offered by E. A. Korolev is considered including market’s criminal and shadow character, specifics of goods and features of behavior of subjects of the economic relations. Apart to power impact carried out within state regulation on the informal narcomarket the solution of population denarcotization isue is suggested to be directed to active decreasing demand for psychoactive agents by expansion (creation) of a network of the social and rehabilitation help with the drug addict.