Abstract: Article clarified the nature of the business activity of entrepreneurship, proposed methodological provision for monitoring of business activities in the municipalities, substantiation of directions of increase of business activity...
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Abstract: Under WTO scientific component in management decisions increases substantially. The problem of the rational organization of the world economy in a globalized economy can not be resolved without reaching...
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Abstract: This article analyzes the various approaches to achieve the objectives of competition policy and its basic principles, the relationship between competition policy and economic development policies, a number of...
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Abstract: In this paper, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the development of the basic tenets of the theory dysfunction, outlines the positions that were the basis of the theoretical...
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the taxation of oil and gas extraction in Russia and development of suggestions on its improvement. It takes into account perspectives...
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Abstract: The paper discusses the theoretical basis for the resource strategy formation and realization in order to determine its nature, the provisions in the enterprises strategic plans system, as well...
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Abstract: The systematic modernization of economic systems in the direction of economic development makes the theoretic comprehension of new characteristics and qualities revealing in the main factor — human capital...
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Abstract: The emergence of clusters lays in general tendency of economic activity transformation from the sphere of enterprises as such to the realm of inter-firm relations, networks, which in institutional...
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Abstract: The paper develops further the econometric analysis of the aggregative regional non-linear production functions of the “flows-flows” type with two examples of the Gorbunov production function with VES, generated...
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Abstract: Main objective of work consists in identification of the main problems of innovative and technological development of social and economic territorial systems and formation of mechanisms of their decision....
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Abstract: The article summarizing a vast innovative experience of Russian and foreign banks describes the origin of innovation and estimates product differentiation in the banking sector. The changes in the...
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Abstract: This article examines the cyclical fluctuations of macroeconomic variables developed, developing countries and Russia in the framework of the fifth long wave of economic conditions Kondratieva. PDF full Downloaded:...
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Abstract: The issue of government microeconomic policy during economic cycles has not been fully studied yet in modern Economics and other Social Sciences. The article will contribute to the research...
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Abstract: This paper proposes an approach to the prediction of banking crises, based on the method of Binary Classification Tree (BCT). Binary tree was constructed and thresholds occurrence of banking...
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Abstract: This research investigated the social assistance strategies and its impact on poverty reduction through analyzing the Targeted Social Assistance programs and some other living standards in the case of...
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Abstract: Teoretiko-methodological bases of social and economic designing for territory formation as economic agent are opened. The attention is focused on territory research as the megaenterprise. Formation of territories as...
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Abstract: On the basis of the evolution of the development of social partnership disclosed its theoretical, methodological and institutional framework at the international, national and regional level. Proposed a mechanism...
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Abstract: Within the limits of the thermodynamic approach to macroeconomics for the ideal macroeconomic system submitting the Bose — Einstein statistics with nonzero chemical potential the equation of the state...
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Abstract: The problem under consideration is so-called «dimension problem» which is arising sporadically in foreign and Russian economic literatures with respect to production functions (PF) and utility functions (UF), used...
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Abstract: Are difficulties in obtaining demand functions on the basis of the function of collective preferences, considered in the framework of the ordinal theory. In the framework of the cardinal...
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Abstract: In the framework of probabilistic and dynamic aspect of the neoclassical theory the interaction of production — Economic Systems (PES) in a perfect market is considered. The mechanism of...
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Abstract: A feasibility demonstration of required production transformations is provided, based on designing the allowable cost-based functions by task-specific searching of a set of technological functions that provide given parameters...
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Abstract: This paper compares two models of the inflation process. The first model is monetary, the second model is based on the turnover of the socially necessary time and mainly...
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the research of the peculiarities of the state and municipal employees’ social and economic performance assessment. To the purpose of the control the effectiveness...
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PDF full Downloaded: 30 .kcc_block{ position:relative; padding:1em 0 2em; transition:background-color 0.4s; cursor:pointer; } .kcc_block img{ float:left; width:2.1; height:auto; margin:0; border:0px !important; box-shadow:none !important; } .kcc_block .kcc_info_wrap{ padding-left:3em; margin-left:4.1em; } .kcc_block...
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