2014 ,№1

Problems of effective competitive environment

20.03.201413 ноября, 2023Без комментариев


This article analyzes the various approaches to achieve the objectives of competition policy and its basic principles, the relationship between competition policy and economic development policies, a number of changes in the implementation of competition policy and the account of political action and harmonization in terms of the experience of developed countries. Practical recommendations and suggestions for the protection and development of competition. The research work done on the basis of such research methods as a scientific abstraction and system analysis, logic synthesis. The practical significance of the study is to enrich the academic and practical knowledge of specialists working in this field and experts conducting research into the creation and development of sound and effective competitive environment necessary for the effective implementation of competition policy. Originality and novelty of the research study are that the work on the basis of reports and scientific studies of international organizations (UN, UNCTAD, IMF, WB, EBRD, ADB) held a substantial analysis and in conclusion of recommendations to improve the mobility and dynamism of competition Authority.

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Nazim O. Hajiyev – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Institute of Economic Research, Republic of Azerbaijan (Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan; e-mail: nazimxx@yahoo.com).