2014 ,№1

Scientific basis of management decisions in the WTO


Under WTO scientific component in management decisions increases substantially. The problem of the rational organization of the world economy in a globalized economy can not be resolved without reaching consensus on common scientific and methodological basis, including in the WTO. Scientific studies show the failure of the ideas of the «international division of labor «and the» free market.» The rapid technological progress in developing countries requires a revision of the traditional model of the economy based on unlimited growth. The transition to a new paradigm of sustainable development in the long term management involves a systematic approach to economics, which means a growing state role in the economy. An important a factor which, along with the single currency circulation and general legal field and is a «state order» — the production of goods for the satisfaction of social needs.

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Oleg I. Botkin – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Udmurt State University, Head of the Department «Economic Theory»; Director of the Udmurt branch of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Izhevsk, Russian Federation; e-mail: gulenok-oi@yandex.ru).

Olga I. Gulenok – Graduate Student, Udmurt branch of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Izhevsk, Russian Federation; e-mail: gulenok-oi@yandex.ru).