Abstract: In article the question of need social-economic sovereignization of Russia is brought up. The author's treatment of the concept "social-economic sovereignty" is given. The complex of the problems demanding...
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Abstract: The article presents the results of the study, which purpose was to test the hypotheses reflecting the inter action of the development of the raw material sector with the...
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of constructing a definition of the category of intellectual capital. It is concluded that nature of existing definitions of intellectual capital is the...
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Abstract: Many economists share idea of introduction of supranational world currency, but so far its lines remain not obvious. The purpose of this work is to specify characteristics of supranational...
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Abstract: The authors formulated and justified, taking into account the world experience priorities of innovation development for Russian region, distinguished by its industrial and technological development. Particular emphasis is placed...
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Abstract: We study the economic content of the concept of "IT-infrastructure" of the economy. Based on the author's approach is defined qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the IT-infrastructure, is proposed...
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Abstract: The article discusses the existing methods of calculating the gross municipal product (GMP) and considers foreign and domestic experience. Method of systematization allows to identify the different ways of...
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Abstract: Due to the dynamic development of the regional economic integration processes the study of this phenomenon has become the most important in recent years, especially in the context of...
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Abstract: The article presents a method of comparing various options of the organizational structure of a business entity, a generalized indicator of the corresponding alterations is introduced as well. The...
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Abstract: An attempt was made to confirm the hypothesis about the nature of Russian households as one of the forming economic subjects of market-capitalist system in our country. It is...
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Abstract: Influence of endogenous rate of time preferences on dynamics of stochastic models with heterogeneous agents with use of algorithm of formation of expectations, related with learning agents by a...
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Abstract: The article deals with the revealing the symptoms of the history of economic thoughtdecline in scientific and educational hierarchy. The authors examine the internal and external factors that led...
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Abstract: The ambiguous interpretation of the relations of production, laid K. Marx, has led to the development in the political economy of the Soviet period several discussions about their essence....
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Abstract: In this article the author considers competitive immunity as the main source of ensuring competitive coexistence. The made review of the existing definitions of competitive immunity of economic entities...
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Abstract: Subject of the scientific analysis is process of generation of knowledge in various economic subjects. The author offered Differentiation of generation of knowledge by various organizations. This research can...
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Abstract: The present paper contains an analysis of the present model of formation of hybrids. It is demonstrated that relational coordination normally accompanies market and hierarchy so that a hybrid...
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Abstract: Clusters are considered as an interfirm network joining resources and knowledge for gaining some profits. The distinct feature of clusters is generating some positive effects that provide certain comparative...
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Abstract: The paper is devoted to highlight R&D expenditures in some Siberian regions and administrative-territorial units of the BRICS countries. «Resource type» regions with basic mining industries and/or primary processing...
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Abstract: The object of the article is to choose a conceptual basis as a platform in order to make decisions concerning practical land relations issues. A review method of the...
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