Abstract: The article analyzes the economic and social results of governmental involvement in the Russian economy, based on modeling the relationship between measures of state intervention into the economic system...
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Abstract: Numerous estimations of consequences for economy and society of political decisions are attempted through the whole time of existence of mankind. As a rule valuations are split into the...
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Abstract: The authors conduct a critical review of existing methodological approaches to the analysis of socio-economic systems. The paper extends and is considered a hypothesis about the possibility of interdisciplinary...
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Abstract: In this article the basics conception of noospheral evolution of socio-economic systems is introduced. The author is consistently advocating the thesis about the necessity of the environment dynamic consideration...
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Abstract: Modern business is already impossible without adequate representation about a market situation and probable actions of competitors, their possibilities and intentions. The companies, if they intend as it is...
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Abstract: The paper considers the problem of the appearance of so-called «information economy», we investigate the question for a change transaction, information and production costs are considered different variants of...
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Abstract: This paper discusses results obtained recently concerning Dutch Disease as one of the most popular explanation of “natural resource curse”. First, I look at Dutch Disease’ mechanism and discuss...
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Abstract: In the article authors on the basis of analysis of institutional and technological approaches to investigation of contemporary cycles and crises put forward idea that institutional constituent of the...
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Abstract: Authors of article analyze applied in researches of regional economy methods and mathematical models. In article it is shown that to a variety of substantial problems in regional researches...
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Abstract: At the article is proposed new supranational currency and is described mechanism of currency circulation. This supranational currency is based on multiple products. Здесь вставить шорт-код (стрелочка вниз на...
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Abstract: The results of the analysis of the stability of the inflation–free state of the economy, described by the basic logistic equation x = 1·b - exp(x·lnx), are presented; it...
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Abstract: Is considered the question on correct record of mathematical expressions which include a dimensional quantities. It is shown that in cases where the solution of differential equations of the...
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Abstract: The paper analyses up-to-date economic development tendencies and peculiarities of competition in global market. As a result, core competences of a company are considered the basis of its competitive...
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Abstract: The paper considers the industry peculiarities of the institute of pricing on raw materials in the metallurgical complex. Basic factors of metallurgical raw materials prices in the world market...
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Abstract: Given article is devoted search of new decisions in the field of management of the investment project. The special attention of the author is given necessity of the account...
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Abstract: In article the theoretical model of interbudgetary relations in the region, based on positions of the theory of an economic order and the theory of sustainable social and economic...
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of balance of payments influence on different aspects of monetary policy. We consider the balance of payments structure, scrutinize differences in approaches to...
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Abstract: Theoretical elaborations in the sphere of international economic integration being available in scientific literature are brought together. The consideration is given to the nature of international economic integration; the...
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Abstract: In spite of numerous reforms in the public sector of Russian Federation, state machinery activity is still inefficient that makes actuality of this research. The aim of this paper...
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Abstract: Following the course on sustainable development through realization of a row of new projects to a large extent depend on the economic strategies of business on the territory and their...
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