Сен 20 Love0 Impact of World Oil Prices on the Ruble Exchange Rate and Inflation in the Russian Economy Vladimir Vl. Ilyashenko 2020 (17), №3 https://doi.org/10.31063/2073-6517/2020.17-3.1 Читать далее
Сен 20 Love0 Microeconomic Aspects of Neoclassical Theory and the Modern Economy Vladimir Vl. Ilyashenko 2019 (16), №3 10.31063/2073-6517/2019.16-3.19 Читать далее
Июн 20 Love0 Incomes of the Russian Population in the Conditions of Inflation Vladimir Vl. Ilyashenko 2018 (15), №2 10.31063/2073-6517/2018.15-2.3 Читать далее
Сен 20 Love0 Influence of Restrictive Monetary and Financial Policies on Inflation in Russia Vladimir Vl. Ilyashenko 2016, №3 Abstract: The article considers the theoretical aspects of the impact of restrictive monetary and fiscal policy on inflation and its realization in the process of market transformations in Russia. It is...Читать далее
Июн 20 Love0 Features of inflation in modern economy of Russia Polina S. Kiseleva, Vladimir Vl. Ilyashenko 2016, №2