Abstract: In the article, the authors’ approach to the determination of network firm’s potential is provided as a set of opportunities and means to integration with other economic agents for...
Abstract: The achievements of academician V. I. Mayevsky for development of macrogenerations theory in macroeconomics evolution and for creation of evolutionary theory of reproduction were analyzed. It was shown the...
Abstract: Contribution of Douglas North to the general institutional economic theory is considered with a special emphasis on the research of institutional factors of economic changes. It is shown how agents interaction models are...
Abstract: The research demonstrates the points of genesis for different hybrid forms on industry life cycle curve. It is demonstrated that hybrid governance forms of organization emerging on growing industry...
Abstract: According to the analysis of keyword articles indexed in Scopus the trends in the culture of the scientific community in the last decade were identified. To determine trends in...
Abstract: Since the end of the 90th years of the XX century fundamentals of new economy where the leading role is assigned to knowledge, intangible assets, intellectual potential arise. In...
Abstract: The article is devoted to formation of the theory of institutional modeling, including the principles and ideas that reflect the laws of development of society within the framework of...
Abstract: The article presents a brief summary of the materials published in the fourth issue of the “Journal of economic theory” 2013. Considered are the imperatives of the modern theory...
Abstract: The article presents the main stages of formation of the institutional economic theory from the works of K. Marx and F. Engels through research of t. Veblen and J....
Abstract: The article shows the term of social attractiveness of territory and its connection with the level of development of public goods sector, presents some approaches to their evaluation and...
Abstract: This paper shows the possibility of estimating the institutional environment of the knowledge generation through analysis of the formal's knowledge growth and the corresponding transaction costs growth. The method...