2017, №1

Variation Field of the Transplantation of the European Institutions of Innovative Development


The article considers a set of options (variation field) of transplantation of the European institutions of innovative development within the modernization of the Russian nanotech industry regulation policy. The key directions of transplantation actions are revealed: the cultivation of institutions and positive environment for innovations; the optimization of an institutional mechanism of funding for nanotech industry; the increasing of social status and mobility of agents; the enhancement of patent system; the activation of institutions of development with strengthening of their subordination and coordination; the stimulation of cluster and network initiatives; the transition of state from a role of the prepotent subject of nanotech industry to the role of a mediator of interactions and an optimizer of the institutional environment; the creation of motivation to the development of communities and involvement of stakeholders in the development of nanotech industry; the formation of innovative technological platforms. The need for a transition to the concept of the regulation of nanotech industry in real time is proved. It is based on the principles of continuous vigilance and multilateral responsibility of stakeholders. A high potential of the application of platform approach to the regulation of nanotech industry is reasoned, which is connected with the activation of network processes and projects; the mobilization and collaborations of different stakeholder groups; the involvement of independent experts and practitioners in the living labs format to the nanotechnological research and developments; the diversification of cluster policy (state support of the clusters of different scales, which may be not constructed on the principle of proximity); the transition of the state to the accomplishment of the mediation functions in communications and transactions of enterprises; the organizations of the participants of nanotech industry.

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Daniil P.  Frolov — Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of World Economy and Economic Theory, Volgograd State University (Volgograd, Russian Federation; e-mail: ecodev@mail.ru).

Ivan D. Polyntsev  – Research Associate, Volgograd State University (Volgograd, Russian Federation; e-mail: ivan.polyntsev@gmail.com).