Manuscript Formatting Guidelines

Manuscripts should be sent to the Editorial Office e-mail address:

Authors submitting their articles to AlterEconomics should follow the following guidelines.

Articles sent to the Editorial Office that do not meet these requirements will not be considered.

Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word and saved in *rtf format.

The recommended extent for research articles is 40,000 – 50,000 characters; the volume of review articles should not exceed 60,000-80,000 characters.

The Manuscript File should include:

  • UDC index
  • JEL code
  • Metadata in English (title, abstract, keywords, acknowledgments)
  • Metadata in Russian (title, abstract, keywords, acknowledgments)
  • Text of the article in the IMRAD format (introduction, methods / model, results and discussion)
  • List of references
  • Information about authors in English and in Russian

Abstract. The abstract length should be 200-250 words. The abstract should include the following elements:

  • description of the context of the problem, the research gap, the reason for the author’s interest in this particular topic;
  • purpose and goals of the research;
  • research methods, data, description of the sample, data selection criteria (as specific as possible);
  • results and conclusions (main part, approximately 40% of the abstract)
  • possible application of the results;
  • limitations/directions for future research.

The abstract shows the characteristics and merits of the article to interest the reader and encourage him/her to read the full article. It is an independent text that describes the main results of the research without referring to the article itself, so references and abbreviations should be avoided. The text of the abstract should be clear and concise, free of secondary information, and characterized by persuasive language.

Keywords. The minimum number of keywords is 6. They should be separated by commas, without a period at the end of the list. Keywords are words or phrases that help search engines determine the topic of an article and help the reader find it on the Internet.

Acknowledgments. The section includes all sources of external funding influencing the results, as well as information on people who contributed to the study but was not an author.

Text of the article

The article should be structured. Unstructured manuscripts are not accepted for consideration. For research articles, the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) format is preferred:

  • Introduction;
  • Theory;
  • Data and Methods;
  • Methods or Model;
  • Results;
  • Conclusions or Discussion and Implication.

 Manuscript Formatting

Page layout: 2.5 cm margins on all sides, single spacing, standard tab (1.27 cm), font Times New Roman 14 pt. Standard fonts and formatting should be used in both the text and its elements.

Tables and Figures

The article should contain not more than 8 tables. The table number should be aligned to the right and in italics; the table heading should be aligned to the centre and in bold.

All tables and figures should be numbered (consecutive numbering). The author should indicate the sources of the data given in tables and figures. All tables should be referenced in the text of the article. All graphic materials in the article should be in a format that allows editing and changing their configurations without additional reference to the authors. It is not allowed to use in the article scanned or taken from the Internet graphic materials, as they do not give the possibility of editing. All drawings should be made in black and white, the use of color drawings is not allowed. Figures should be duplicated in separate files in their original format (* jpeg, * jpg, * tiff, * xls), except for figures created in Microsoft Word. The figures created by means of MS Word should be grouped together. The figures created by other means than MS Word should have *jpeg (*jpg), or *tiff extension, with a resolution not less than 72 dpi (screen resolution) and size of at least 1500×1500 (dots per inch), or 164 mm width and 300 dpi, the file size should be not less than 1 Mb. The author is responsible for the correct using of characters, formulas and figures. If the figure is not original the author’s obligation is to indicate the authorship.

Formulas. The numbers of formulas should be aligned to the right. The formulas should be editable and typed in MS Equation Editor or MathType. The automatic formula numbering and cross-references to the formulas or the reference list are unacceptable.

List of References 

The list of references should be formatted according to the APA standard (