2024 (21), №4

Transactional Business Ecosystem Size Configurator

26.12.202410 января, 2025Без комментариев

For citation: 

Popov, E. V. (2024). Transactional Business Ecosystem Size Configurator. AlterEconomics, 21(4), 677–693. https://doi.org/10.31063/AlterEconomics/2024.21-4.3


The development of a digital society is driving the growth of business ecosystems to unprecedented sizes, highlighting the need to determine the most economically viable ecosystem sizes. This study focuses on optimizing the size of business ecosystems through economic relations. The research method employed is a systematic logical analysis of transactional interactions among ecosystem elements, using a stakeholder approach. The goal of the study is to systematize methods for optimizing the size of business ecosystems within the transactional framework of interactions between the core of the system and its stakeholders. The study demonstrates that the optimization and assessment of a business ecosystem’s size can be based on breaking down the ecosystem into its infrastructure, network, digital, and institutional components. Key transaction costs are identified for each structure: infrastructure assessment, network interactions, digital technology implementation, and institutional support. The study defines several methods for optimizing the size of business ecosystems: analyzing stakeholder structures through an analytical model, evaluating the cost dependencies between the core and stakeholders based on asset specificity, examining the potential of digitalization, and constructing an institutional atlas. The research also concludes that the equilibrium point between the transaction function and the production function of institutions can serve as the optimal size of the business ecosystem within its institutional structure. The study contributes to the field by systematizing methods for optimizing ecosystem size, thereby advancing the theory of transactional configuration in economic ecosystems. The practical significance of the findings lies in the development of a framework for managing stakeholder interactions across resources, thus improving business ecosystem management.

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Evgeny V. Popov — Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor, Director of the Centre for Socio-Economic Investigations, Ural Institute of Management — Branch of the RANEPA; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5513-5020 (66, 8 Marta St., Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russian Federation; e-mail: epopov@mail.ru).

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