For citation:
Koshcheev, D. А., & Isopeskul, O. U. (2024). Tourism Potential of Administrative Units: Assessment, Analysis and Interpretation. AlterEconomics, 21(3), 590–618.
In the early 2020s, the epidemic and sanctions crisis prompted a shift in Russian external tourist flow towards the domestic market, resulting in increased interregional competition. Consequently, it has become important to identify territories suitable for economically effective tourism development. At the regional level, measuring the tourism potential of municipal districts has become a common tool for addressing this issue. However, academic literature often considers the concept of tourism potential to be subjective and contradictory, with many estimates criticized as unreliable. This paper attempts to systematize the theory and methodology for measuring Administrative Units’ Tourism Potential (AUTP). We identified six key strands of academic literature that laid the groundwork for the tourism potential concept from the late 19th century to the 1960s, as well as four modern approaches to investigating AUTP in studies published from 1960 to 2024. Our analysis proposes a periodization of knowledge on AUTP development. A key outcome of our analysis is the identification of strengths and weaknesses in contemporary approaches. Building on this, we developed our own method for analyzing AUTP that addresses these weaknesses. This new approach may serve as a foundation for creating a more refined methodology for AUTP analysis, ultimately aiming to enhance the effectiveness of regional financial allocations for tourism purposes.
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