2012 № 3

To a question of interrelation of the decentralized spatial dispersed market of many goods and the centralized management of this economic system


From the analysis of mathematical model of the Multifoods dispersed market (МDM) in an equilibrium condition and the task of the centralized management (TCM) by economic system is received, that by criterion of a maximum of profit the centralized management is not less effective, than not centralized. However if the agents all of MDD is the perfect competitors, criterion of an optimality in an equilibrium condition coincides with criterion of an optimality TCM. On this basis the offer on synthesis of optimum structure of management of the large economic systems is done.

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Alexey G. Kovalenko – Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Business Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Samara State University (Samara, Russian Federation; e-mail: alexey.gavrilovich.kovalenko@rambler.ru).