2018 (15), №3

Theoretical Aspects of Rural Infrastructure Development

20.09.20181 августа, 2023Без комментариев



For citation: 

Balandin, D. A. (2018). Theoretical Aspects of Rural Infrastructure Development. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 15(3), 442-448


The article is devoted to the study of rural infrastructure development patterns in modern conditions. The focus of the study is a comprehensive system of rural infrastructure. The subject is a set of postulates of economic theory, evolving in the cognitive processes of modern day phenomena and development patterns in relation to rural infrastructure. The purpose of the study is to obtain the knowledge required in the process of updating a theory and methodology of rural infrastructure development, to improve management mechanisms in economically unstable conditions as well as to develop practical recommendations and forecasting development prospects in behalf of the agrarian society. The research is based on such methods of economic science as analysis, synthesis, system approach, as well as scientific abstraction. They allow analyzing inter-industry and intraindustry interrelations and interactions in the modern rural infrastructure system as well as making adequate and optimal management decisions for its development. The research hypothesis consists in considering a set of economic, social, institutional and environmental phenomena in the rural infrastructure system as a material conglomerate. Their development processes under the influence of various factors acquire a new quality of a complementary set. To prove this hypothesis, the author argued that the management methods of the rural infrastructure development evolve from classical market instruments (individual reaction of participants in reproductive processes to price fluctuations) and the vertical hierarchy (directive regulation of actions) to the mechanisms of inter-industry and inter-regional interaction. The paper concludes that the level of rural infrastructure development meeting the social demand is achievable due to the scientifically grounded policy of sustainable rural development, their infrastructure development and support, innovative re-equipment of production, engineering, social and nature protection facilities. The practical significance of the results is the possibility of their application in improving the management of rural infrastructure development at the national, regional and municipal levels.

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Balandin Dmitriy Arkad’evich –  PhD in Economics, Perm Branch of the Institute of Economics of the Ural division of the RAS (Perm, Russian Federation; e-mail: dabalandin@mail.ru).