2011 № 3

The theoretical approaches to formation of economic stability of the industrial enterprises in economy of the postcrisis period


In article base concepts of the economic theory on formation of a sustainable development of the industrial enterprises, problems of functioning of the organisations are considered. The chronology of concepts of economic stability of the industrial enterprises is presented. The author considers as base concepts A. Smith, A. Marshalla, J. A. Shumpetera’s works. The system approach in an estimation of economic stability of the industrial enterprises at a certain stage of development of economy is offered. Two systems of factors of development of economic stability of the industrial enterprises in economy of the post-crisis period are developed. The factorial approach has allowed to reveal the main stimulus of economic activities of the industrial enterprises. Classification of factors of development in postcrisis economy in the form of two systems is presented. The author does a conclusion about necessity of transition to perspective system of factors of development and formation of economic stability of the industrial enterprises.

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Marina E. Tsibareva – Graduate Student,  Samara State University (Samara, Russian Federation; e-mail: tsibareva@mail.ru).