For citation:
Yelin, K. M., Usova, N. V., & Loginov, M. P. (2024). The Role of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Shaping the Digital Model of the National Economy. AlterEconomics, 21(4), 723–747.
In recent years, the pace of digital transformation, particularly in the economic sector, has significantly accelerated. This study addresses the issue of the digitalization of the Russian economy in the context of changing technological structures, the specifics of Industry 4.0, and the emerging Industry 5.0. The relevance of this topic is determined by global trends in the adoption of innovative digital tools and technologies, with artificial intelligence (AI) playing a central role. The study focuses on the digital economy of Russia, its structure, and the potential for integrating new digital technologies. The aim is to identify and analyze the prospects, barriers, and directions for further development of the digital economy through the use of AI. Using methods of comparative analysis and statistical modeling, the research presents an integrated approach to understanding the current state of digital transformation in the economy, focusing on the use of AI to enhance national competitiveness. The study proposes an original model of the digital economy, which positions AI as a central component—an essential tool in the transitional phase between technological revolutions. A set of measures is recommended, addressing key barriers to technology adoption and digitalization, while also promoting further transformation. These results can inform policy-making in the areas of AI and digital economy growth. The proposed model can also serve as a foundation for pilot projects and experimental initiatives aimed at introducing advanced technologies across various sectors. The study’s limitations arise from the current uncertainty in the foreign economic and political situation. Future research will focus on developing methods to assess the effectiveness of integrating AI into the country’s economy.

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