2013 № 2

The nature and character of the objectivity of economic knowledge and truths


Economic phenomena are investigated. The hypothesis that economic science is engaged in the collection, systematization, generalization and forecasting the emergence/disappearance of economic phenomena created by the economic practices. Identified, refined and describes the main tasks of economic science. Researched the main problems of economic theory.A new interpretation of the traditional tasks of economic science. Proposed criteria for and highlights the main approaches in the interpretation of economic reality. Refined the basic directions in the development of methodology of economic science.Clarified the notion «economic reality», «economic experiment», «business practice», «economy», «economic phenomenon.» Is an a priori nature of economic truth, their relationship with intuition.Based on these provisions, the issue about the crisis of economic science.

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Boris M. Rakhaev – Cand. Sci. (Econ.),  Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural University (Nalchik, Russian Federation; e-mail: rahaevbm@mail.ru).

Kamila A. Kalabekova – Cand. Sci. (Econ.),  Senior lecturer of the Department of State and Municipal Administration, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural University (Nalchik, Russian Federation; e-mail: kamila237in@yandex.ru).