2016, №1

The dialectic interaction of general scientific and disciplinary (by the example of natural science and economics)

20.03.201611 октября, 2023Без комментариев


This article examines the relation between changing processes of general-science and disciplinary paradigms. Natural science and economics have been used as an example. A parallel between the notion “paradigm” and the notion “science foundations” has been drawn. The process of a paradigm movement in natural science — from classical to postnonclassical science, and in economics — from the classical paradigm to the system and synergetic paradigm, has been considered. In conjunction with the time coordinate, a comparison of natural science paradigms and paradigms of economics has been constructed graphically.

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Maxim A. Rybachuk  – Junior Research Associate, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Senior Lecturer, Dubna State University (Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: m.ribachuk@gmail.com).