The issue represent the ideas of the rectification of names aimed at getting rid of redundant substances in academic discourse; appearance of a poststructuralist paradigm that assesses the economy as a multi-level system of institutions forged through value compromise; effectiveness of conceptual worldview for structuring normative economics, classical political economy, neoclassicism, and other areas of economics.
The current issue introduces eight industry behaviour strategies: “Orchestration”, “Affiliation”, “Innovative transformation”, “Digital transformation”, “Ecological transformation”, “HR-transformation”, “Ecosystem as a tool of state policy”, “Ecosystem as a tool of competition for industrial enterprise”. It also offers recommendations for improving the issuance and trading of digital financial assets while complying with current Russian financial market regulations.
We hope that the readers will be interested in hypothesis focused on the paradox created by employers valuing employees’ time as a continuously acquired resource, resulting in increased “meaningless work” that leads to stagnant labour productivity. Equally interesting is the evaluation the role of additional vocational training as a determinant of wages, serving as a proxy for labour productivity.
For finance experts we offer the review of research by Russian and international scholars on the effectiveness of the tax system and incentives. Emphasizing the diverse perspectives in constructing tax systems, the paper aims to review the contemporary approaches in Russian and international literature and to ascertain their applicability in enhancing the Russian tax system. For the most rigorous reader, we recommend to take part in a Benford’s Law test of European company data.
The scientific synthesis of institutional and value-based approaches to modernisation, to ensure that the technological development of society corresponds to the level of cultural and psychological regulation, will be of interest to the reader who is not indifferent to the discussion and search for new solutions to accelerate the technological transformation of the national economy. Welcome to the pages of AlterEconomics.