As an information partner of X Euro-Asian Symposium on Economic Theory (EASET-2022) held on 29-30 June 2022 on the basis of Institute of Economics of UB RAS we inform you that Springer Publishers have published book «Consequences of Social Transformation for Economic Theory» with the best reports of the Symposium.
The book covers such topics as chaos, sustainable development, economic shocks in the history of economic thought, contemporary economic concepts of identity, theory of organizations under uncertainty, review of economic theories in light of the «COVID-19 crisis», models of consumer behaviour, business cycles, investment theory, growth and equilibrium issues, impact of social factors on economic sustainability, etc. The book also presents new solutions for the synthesis of mainstream and political economy ideas by foreign and Russian scholars.
To cite the book: Kumar, V., Kuzmin, E., Zhang, WB, Lavrikova, Y. (eds) Consequences of Social Transformation for Economic Theory. EASET 2022. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27785-6
The proceedings of the Symposium are published in a mixed book and journal format, with a reference to the periodical edition with ISSN (2198-7246) and to the book edition with ISBN (978-3-031-27785-6/978-3-031-27784-9). Conference series link: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-27785-6
The 11th Euro-Asian Symposium on Economic Theory will be launched in October 2023 and will take place in June 2024.