2017, №4

System and Historical Typology of Economic Growth

20.12.20172 августа, 2023Без комментариев


The article considers the system and historical types of economic growth and the features of their expression in Russia. The purpose of the article is to offer the system and historical typology of economic growth. To achieve the purpose, the following tasks are solved: identification of the system and historical types of economic growth; determination of their parameters; comparison of identified types of growth in the historical and country context; specification of the expression of the selected types of growth in the Russian economy. The author applied the methodology of system-historical and comparative analysis. The main conclusions of the article are as follows. Firstly, in the development of the industrial economy, I distinguish three system and historical types of growth: early industrial, mature industrial and late industrial types of growth. At the same time, the late industrial type can be divided into information-industrial and neo-industrial types of growth. Secondly, these types of growth can be characterized by the following indicators: the technical and economic basis, the quality of the factors of production, the nature of inequality in the distribution of incomes, the degree of growth stability, and others. Thirdly, I conclude the uneven distribution of the identified types of growth across countries during the time periods under consideration. The author recognizes that in the post-Soviet economy of Russia, there is no stable information-industrial type of growth. Moreover, now the country faces the task of accelerating the transition to a neo-industrial type of economic growth to solve many social and economic problems in the development of the national economy.

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Ivan M.  Tenyakov – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University  (Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: itenyakov@mail.ru).