For citation:
Slavin, V. A. (2022). Structural-Organizational Aspects of the Theory of the Firm from the Perspective of the Probabilistic-Dynamic and Statistical Approaches. AlterEconomics, 19(3), 526–546.
The study applies the probabilistic-dynamic and statistical methods developed earlier by the author (et al.) to solve problems in the theory of production and economic systems (firms). These methods are underpinned by the concept of microeconomic states as vectors of economic solution evolving along phase trajectories in accordance with the given Hamilton function. If Hamilton function contains sufficient information about the operating conditions of the production system, the results of the dynamic (neoclassical) theory based solely on the study of the phase trajectory of the company are valid. Otherwise, in the conditions of incomplete information, the results of the statistical theory based on the idea of the evolution of microstates as spontaneous transitions between small sections (“pieces”) of various trajectories distributed in phase space with probability density are valid. The subject of the company’s research within the framework of statistical (neoinstitutional) theory is the average values of the dynamic characteristics of the production systems. The paper solves the variation problem of finding the optimal structure of a firm that provides the maximum of the Hamilton function for given system resources. Based on the solution of the variation problem, the dynamic characteristics of the two typical structures — unitary and holding- are described in detail. An expression is found for the indicator of the specific controlled assets of the holding’s subsidiaries and the optimal size of the controlling stake is estimated. The synergistic effect that occurs when companies are united into a single holding structure is explained. The paradox of the dynamic theory about the possibility of infinite growth of the company size is formulated. The statistical method is applied to discuss the mechanisms of principal-agent interaction on production system connections in the cases of agents’ rational and opportunistic behavior. The study describes two ways of eliminating the consequences of opportunism for the typical structures of a company. The estimates of the institutional characteristics of a company are provided.
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