2016, №2

State and prospects of development of region labor market


Theoretical bases and practical solutions of functioning of labor market depending on a historical stage and econoresearch objective was comparison of tmic development of society. Contradictions of economic schools in scientific approaches to the analysis of labor market are revealed. Comparative dynamics of a condition of employment of the population, unemployment rate and coefficient of intensity at three levels is carried out: international, national and regional. Act as methods of research of labor market: monographic (for studying of evolution, models and interpretations of scientists); economical and statistical (for monitoring of the international, Russian and regional labor market); a method of expert poll (for identification of priorities, problems and measures for their realization), structural and analytical (for definition of ratios of dynamics of indicators of labor market). Authors have revealed priorities, problems and measures for their decision on the basis of monitoring and sociological research are developed. Components of the institutional environment of labor market at a mesoeconomic level are defined. Offers on use of nonconventional forms of assistance of employment of the population in modern economic system are made.

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Lyudmila M. Nizova — Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Volga State University of Technology (Russian Federation; e-mail: nizova@yandex.ru).

Anna S. Nikitina  – Master’s student, Volga State University of Technology (Russian Federation; e-mail: nizova@yandex.ru).