2024 (21), №1

Semyon Falkner and the Modern Monetary Theory: Contributions to the Russian Tradition in the Theory of Money

30.03.202411 апреля, 2024Без комментариев

For citation: 

Nenovsky, N. (2024). Semyon Falkner and the Modern Monetary Theory: Contributions to the Russian Tradition in the Theory of Money. AlterEconomics, 21(1), 29–57. https://doi.org/10.31063/AlterEconomics/2024.21-1.4


This paper investigates the monetary theory of Semyon Falkner (1890–1938), initially recognized in the early Bolshevik era as the Theory of the Emission Economy (Teoriya emissionnogo khozyaystva). Remarkably, Falkner’s theory can be viewed as an early precursor to the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), which gained popularity in recent decades. The paper begins by presenting Falkner’s perspectives, delving into the controversies surrounding his theory, including reactions from Lenin, and examining the dynamics of inflation and monetary reform. A comparative analysis of the Theory of Emission Economy and MMT follows, revealing that Falkner articulated the fundamental tenets of MMT a century ago. The paper concludes by addressing the modifications to Falkner’s theory during the years of the planned socialist economy, illustrating the prevalence of the nominalist tradition in the Russian theory of money.

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Nikolay Nenovsky — Professor, LЕFMI, University of Picardie Jules Verne; University of National and World Economy; National Research University Higher School of Economics; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9544-9024 (Amiens, France; Sofia, Bulgaria; Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: nenovsky@gmail.com).

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