For citation:
Golubeva, A. S., Kanunnikova, K. I., & Volkov, A. R. (2024). Scientific and Educational Clusters in Regional Innovative and Investment Capacity. AlterEconomics, 21(4), 748–776.
In the context of modern socio-economic development, the knowledge economy faces two key transformations. First, scientific and educational clusters (universities) are turning from self-governing entities to active players driving innovation and influencing the innovation-investment potential of socio-economic systems in Russia. Second, these clusters are forming partnerships with higher education institutions and integrating into innovative production systems to meet stakeholders’ expectations. The main challenges stem from weak links between the knowledge economy, regional innovation systems, and cluster policies. Focusing on human capital as a region’s key intangible asset can improve the global competitiveness of regional intellectual products and strengthen innovation-investment potential. Developing an ecosystem that links education, science, and business to identify sector priorities is crucial for building scientific and educational clusters. This article evaluates the potential impact of such clusters on improving Russia’s position in the Global Innovation Index. It analyzes the innovation strategies of top-performing countries in the Index, which incorporate scientific and educational clusters into their innovation policies. The analysis highlights the role of human capital as a core component of the knowledge economy, stimulating innovation processes across regional and sectoral structures. The authors propose recommendations for designing innovation development strategies at various levels, focusing on the formation of clusters that enhance intangible assets.

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