2018 (15), №1

Regulation of Labour Migration: Regional Aspect

For citation: 

Nizova, L. M. &  Andreeva, E. A.(2018). Regulation of Labour Migration: Regional Aspect. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 15(1), 66-75


Based on the opinions of scientists and scientific schools, the authors have conducted a retrospective analysis of the development of labour migration of the population. We determined cause-and-effect relations between the theoretical and methodological aspects of migration processes and the evolution of labour migration, depending on the political system of society and the level of socio-economic development of the country. The authors shared the opinion of such scientists as Strumilin S. G., Rybakovsky L. L., and Kalabikhin I. E. on the role of the migration in solving economic problems, and in forming of labour resources and labour force. When studying the evolutionary processes of migration, we emphasized the present stage connected with economic, demographic and social factors. The authors compared the regulation of modern migration flows at the international and Russian levels. We applied the following research methods: monographic method (for study evolution, models and interpretations of scientists); economic-statistical method (for monitoring the federal and regional level); the method of expert survey(interviewing) of the specialists of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Mari El to identify priorities, problems and measures for their implementation. Based on the monitoring, we revealed the dynamics of arrivals, departures, and the purpose of arrival at the regional level. The main issues to eliminate labour migration are a lack of workplacesand difficulties in finding a job; a lack of legal literacy of migrants and housing market; a low responsibility of employers for the employment of migrants. The authors have made proposals to improve the efficiency of labour migration at the meso-economic level.

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Lyudmila Mikhaylovna Nizova —  Doctor of Economics, Professor, Volga State University of Technology (Russian Federation; e-mail: nizova@yandex.ru).

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Andreeva — Student, Volga State University of Technology (Russian Federation; e-mail: eka.and@bk.ru).