2011 № 4

Property transformation of housing and communal services during the market economy transition

20.12.20112 августа, 2024Без комментариев


Now the special social and economic importance is got with a problem of increase of efficiency of transformation of housing and communal services during introduction of new mechanisms and levers of managing. As a result of formation of market relations there is a set of problems of functioning of the markets of housing and communal services which complexity of the decision consists that researches of the important theoretical aspects of their development only have begun. In turn, it demands the deep analysis of structural changes of the property in a transition period. It allows to study process of becoming of market relations and transformations of structure of the property in housing and communal services. With reference to new realities reconsideration of the conceptual device of a researched problem will allow to open more full essence of market transformations, their importance in overcoming sharp contradictions between participants of the formed markets of housing and communal services, and also in social and economic system of a society.

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Albina N. Afanasyeva – Assistant, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (Kazan, Russian Federation; e-mail: afanaceva_ksaba@mail.ru).