For citation:
Kozlova, O. A., & Makarova, M. N. (2020). Poverty Reduction in Russia in the Context of National Development Goals and their Achievement. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (4), 770-780.
The article examines the phenomenon of Russian poverty, its current state and dynamics. Poverty has become a major hindrance to the development of human capital by limiting access to development resources, such as quality health care, education, worthy wages, and successful socialization of children and youth. Although in Russia there is a wide range of strategic development documents prioritizing the improvement of the quality of life, poverty has long remained a persistent problem in the country and a threat to its security. Our research hypothesis is that the lack of an effective antipoverty policy determines the stagnant nature of poverty and the failure of certain financial measures to address this problem. To test the research hypothesis empirically, we explore strategic documents of socio-economic development in Russia and analyze the relevant indicators characterizing the current state and dynamics of poverty in 2010–2018. Our research relies on the official data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). We also consider poverty theories and antipoverty measures of different countries as well as the Russian retrospective data to show the need for an efficient antipoverty policy and to identify its priorities.
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