The scientific and all creative activity of academician of RAS and one of the most authoritative and perceived by public opinion scientist of the Soviet and post-soviet period — Leonid Ivanovich Abalkin — is connected to political economy. It was interested and attracted him not only as a constant object of his scientific researches, he defended his master’s and doctoral thesis in this specialty and published the most part of his fundamental proceedings. Leonid Ivanovich has been and now is for us a wonderful teacher and talented propagandist, able to explain clearly for listeners all difficulties of politico-economic arrangement of the state and from public positions to distinguish priorities of its development in the interests of the most of population. Not by chance themes of his fundamental proceedings were “Political economy and economic politics” (1970), “Economic mechanism of advanced socialistic society” (1973), “Final public-economic results: the essence, indicates, ways of increasing” (1978), “To self-cognition of Russia” (1995) etc. In his proceedings the author from politico-economic positions expounded his understanding and vision of relation between economics and politics on the base of society preferences and socially oriented directions of its implementation at all levels of management hierarchy.