2018 (15), №4

On the Teaching of Marxist Political Economy: Controversial Issues



For citation: 

Lavrov, V. N. & Ponomareva, S. I. (2018).  On the Teaching of Marxist Political Economy: Controversial Issues. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 15(4), 649-653


The article is devoted to a current scientific and practical problem — reactualization of the economic theory of K. Marx. The authors assess a scientific discussion on the role and place of Marxist political economy in the system of the modern economic theory. We have analyzed the position of economists and professors of universities supporting reactualization of the economic theory of K. Marx as a scientific doctrine. We have also examined practical issues for the organization of educational programme if the Marxist political economy becomes a part of it. We demonstrate the need to create an appropriate methodological support: development of new educational and methodological base, change in the structure and content of academic programme according to the economic theory (micro and macroeconomics). We argue in favour of including some principles of Marxist political economy to the academic programme of universities. The authors allocate controversial issues on the change of the research focus, the subject matter, as well as methodological tools of economic theory if some principles of Marxist political economy are included in the educational standards. We highlight the importance to address this issue as it concerns the question of what we understand as economic science, its subject and methodology as well as how it should affect the teaching of economic disciplines.  

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Vladimir Nikolaevich Lavrov — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Ural State Agrarian University (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: 2956145@mail.ru).

Svetlana Ivanovna Ponomareva — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Ural State University of Economics (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: PonomarevaSI@e1.ru).