2015, №3

On the Russian and Western systems of labour motivation


The article analyses the difference between the Russian and the Western systems of labour motivation. Basing on the historical-philosophical approach, the authors research the influence of social morality factors on the behaviour of individuals and the role of the group in social motivation. The importance of account of collective norms of behaviour in the latter is shown. In this connection the order of the Western and the Russian societies is compared.

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Leonid A. Dedov – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Glazov Engineering and Economic Institute  (Glazov, Russian Federation; e-mail: gfi@gfi.edu.ru).

Yuri N. Eissner – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University of Economics (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: eissner850@yandex.ru).