2016, №1

Monetary systems with different reserve assets


In the conditions of modern economy the USA receive a direct economic prize due to loss of other countries, being the global issuer of the reserve currency. This situation doesn’t suit many countries therefore the countries enter other reserve currencies which rotate between group of the countries (ECU, euro and other collective currencies), some countries plan their introduction further. In this article losses of the countries from use of national reserve currency and supranational reserve currency are compared. Further taking into account the analysis of statistical data prizes and losses of the countries are estimated and the conclusion about expediency of use of supranational currency in the conditions of the modern economy is provided.

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Elena Vl. Rozhentsova – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Perm, Russian Federation; e-mail: aulita@yandex.ru).