2018 (15), №4

Methodology of Managing the Spatial Development Based on the Interregional Integration



For citation: 

Petrov, M. B. & Kurushina, E. V.(2018). Methodology of Managing the Spatial Development Based on the Interregional Integration. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 15(4), 592-606


The paper is focused on the development of the methodology of managing the spatial development of Russia based on interregional integration. The article defines the principles and criteria of the formation of the spatial interregional socio- economic system as an object of management in the context of the new conceptual strategic vision of the spatial development considered as a set of spatial systems of various level. We have systematized the forms of interregional cooperation on the example of the Tyumen region, and have identified four levels of interregional integration as well as their characteristics. The authors’ concept of multidimensional space gives the model approximations of progressive changes in the spatial structure of society as the transformation of functional subspaces of the system. It includes the living environment of the population, the zone of corporate management and the sphere of government administration. The stratification of multidimensional space in terms of communication types is substantiated by allocating the evolution stages of economic growth models. It allows representing the potential of the system development as the mental, institutional and material potentials. Based on this representation, at the development of a mental model of spatial development, the elements of the institutional transition towards the vertical- complex stage of the spatial development are integrated into the methodological scheme of the formation of the strategy for the interregional development of the foresight-technology. The metabolic function of the system during the formation of resources of its self-development is also built-in in the material strategy.

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Mikhail Borisovich Petrov — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail-michpetrov@mail.ru).

Elena Viktorovna Kurushina — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Tyumen Industrial University (Tyumen, Russian Federation; e-mail-kurushina.tsogu@yandex.ru).