For citation:
Minat, V. N. (2024). Metamorphosis of Time Budget and Labor Intensity in High-Tech Clusters. AlterEconomics, 21(3), 452–473.
This study explores how extensive time and intensive development factors interact during technological transitions by analyzing changes in the time budgets of workers in knowledge-intensive, creative fields. While theoretical literature highlights the growing significance of free time, increasingly influenced by hidden labor activities, this research shifts focus to the systemic and structural changes in time budgets and the ways they affect productivity. The primary objective is to identify the links between time budget transformations and the rising labor intensity in high-tech industries across various countries, united by their accelerated development. The study seeks to create a typology of these metamorphoses in relation to labor intensity dynamics, employing empirical data and correlation analysis based on national statistical groupings. The findings reveal a complex and sometimes contradictory relationship. On one hand, an optimal balance between labor and non-labor time expenditures emerges, shaped by national-cultural values, which influences labor intensification levels. On the other hand, creative labor is subjected to two opposing forms of exploitation: extensive, characterized by increased working hours, and intensive, marked by heightened pressure per unit of time. This study offers insights from cross-country comparisons to inform socio-economic policy adjustments, focusing on balancing labor productivity growth with public consumption. Achieving this balance is vital for sustainable economic development and enhancing workers' quality of life amid rapid technological change.
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