2022 (19), №3

Man in G. Kleiner’s theory of economic systems

For citation: 

Pliskevich, N. M. (2022). Man in G. Kleiner’s theory of economic systems. AlterEconomics, 19(3), 547–562. https://doi.org/10.31063/AlterEconomics/2022.19-3.8


This paper takes as a point of departure the author’s reflections about the monograph ‘System Economics: Steps of Development’ written by Russian economist Georgy Kleiner, which summarizes his work in the last five years. The need for a better understanding of economic systems and their characteristics is particularly relevant in the face of the unprecedented sanctions that the Russian economy is now facing. It is essential that the remedial ad hoc measures adopted by the government should be applied in a more structured way and thus provide a foundation for a long-term strategy of national economic development. The new theory of economic systems fails to offer a ‘systemic’ view on people even though people are becoming the leading productive force in contemporary (and future) knowledge-based economy. It is obvious that human potential is not limited to instrumental knowledge necessary for production and management activities. In the course of the transition to knowledge-based economy, applied knowledge should be based on a more solid foundation of general cultural knowledge and values, which will enable humans to compete with AI. This approach is underpinned by the law of techno-humanitarian balance stating that technological complexity must be ba­lanced with the complexity of human cultural and psychological potential. The imbalance between these two components undermines the internal stability of society. Our review of the existing body of research confirms this conclusion and suggests that Kleiner’s theory («sysconomics») should be supplemented with the concept of «sys-man».

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Nataliya M. Pliskevich – Senior Research Associate, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0860-6229 (32, Nakhimovskiy Ave., Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation; e-mail: znplis@yandex.ru).

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