For citation:
Simonova, V. L. & Maksimchik, M. A. (2018). Main Factors of Network Interaction. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 15(1), 166-171
In modern conditions, network structures are a fairly common organization form of firms’ activities owing to the ability to achieve certain competitive advantages. They are achieved due to the distribution of costs and risks, more efficient exchange of products and technologies, joint development, gaining new organizational knowledge and access to new sales markets, etc. The comprehensive analysis of factors is necessary for better understanding of the nature of inter-firm relations. It allows to assess their effectiveness and to identify the functional zones that require a more attentive attitude in the formation and development of network organizations. Based on the analysis of scientific literature devoted to various aspects of effective inter-firm relations, the factors that determine the capabilities and possibilities of firms to network interaction are systemized in the article.