2021 (18) , №1

Key Approaches to Evaluate of Industrial Enterprise Management System Performance

For citation: 

Nadeina, E. A. (2021). Key Approaches to Evaluate of Industrial Enterprise Management System Performance. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 18 (1), 153-160, https://doi.org/10.31063/2073-6517/2021.18-1.12


The relevance of the research is due to the necessity of external and internal problem solving in the context of dynamic changes of external business environment by a successful industrial enterprise. The first type of tasks is the need to sustainability of enterprise development. The author has suggested endogenous approach which is linking the development of enterprise with finding new solutions at each stages of the life cycle. The second task of enterprise is due to contribute to the sustainable development of society, and the approach to solve this problem is designated as exogenous. The exogenous approach aims at the agreement of enterprise owners and people, ensuring balanced and continuous socio-economic development of enterprises. This type of development is in conformity with law of evolution of societies and Nature Conservation Act. The author has identified the differences between of previously mentioned approaches on the criteria: emphasis; aims; principles; functions; core of development; innovations; adaptation; restrictive parameters; final purpose. These approaches should be used consistently in the development of complex indicators of management decisions within author’s hypothesis. The author has presented own evaluation method for each approach. The methodology of enterprise’s assessment of targeted sustainable development is the core of endogenous approach. This methodology includes the technology and development of tools for identifying the convergence of growth rate of industrial, environmental, social, innovative management subsystems. The basis of exogenous approach is the author’s methodology to determine enterprise impact on social, environmental, economic spheres of activity in society and its assessment over time. The author’s suggestion will be a basis of mechanism for identification of functional consistency of industrial enterprise management systems in further research.

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Elena A. Nadeina — Graduate Student, Department of Business Economics, Ural State University of Economics (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: nadeina_y@inbox.ru).

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