For citation:
Serkov, L. A., & Kozhov, K. B. (2020). Interregional Distribution of Energy Potential Based on Spatial Autoregression. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (4), 799-810.
The article proposes a methodological approach for assessing the conditions of interregional interaction of Russian regions in terms of energy conditions. To this end, we substantiate and analyze the spatial distribution of Russian regions’ energy potential. An integral index of energy potential is constructed, which characterizes the main energy and economic factors of regional development in Russia. To calculate the index, we used the statistical data from the Russian Federal Statistics Service (Rosstat) and departmental organizations for 84 regions. The energy potential is calculated by using the principal component method. Interregional relationships based on this index are investigated with the help of the spatial autocorrelation method (Moran method). We focus on the relationships between the regions of the Ural Federal District and identify priority areas of energy and economic development of these territories. In particular, we analyze the spatial development of energy and economy and identify the centers where energy resources are concentrated and their spheres. Our findings can be used by state authorities and energy companies to design plans for the development of energy systems and regional economies within the framework of the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2025.
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