For citation:
Artemova, O. V., & Uzhegov, A. O. (2024). Interaction of Technological and Socio-Economic Structures in the Socio-Economic Development of Territories. AlterEconomics, 21(2), 204–229.
Based on the concepts of “technological structure” and “socio-economic structure,” the study explores how these factors influence territorial development. The study’s objectives include summarizing the views on technology in Russian and international research literature, defining “technological structure” and “socio-economic structure”, analyzing their components and institutional frameworks, exploring their interactions, and assessing current approaches to studying technology in territories. The study employs theoretical and methodological approaches, including evolutionary theory, economic dynamics (including the theory of long waves), technological structures theory, institutional theory, and theory of regional economics, alongside a publication review to achieve its objectives. The research offers a novel interpretation of technological and socio-economic structures as models and methodologies for analysis of territorial development. It clarifies the essence, structure, and institutional design of these structures and highlights their constructive and destructive interactions in territorial development. The study highlights the significance of integrating advanced technological and socio-economic structures to accelerate development in Russian regions. The findings underscore the necessity for comprehensive research to leverage the synergy among technological, economic, and social potentials in territorial development.
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