2024 (21), №3

Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Russia: Theory and Practice of Development

30.09.202426 ноября, 2024Без комментариев

For citation: 

Suvorova, A. V. (2024). Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Russia: Theory and Practice of Development. AlterEconomics, 21(3), 571–589. https://doi.org/10.31063/AlterEconomics/2024.21-3.8


Exploring inter-municipal cooperation is highly relevant because of its potential to enhance the role of local governments in promoting socio-economic development within Russian territories. This article explores the unique aspects of inter-municipal cooperation, which enables municipalities to pool their resources and efforts to achieve common goals, particularly in the face of limited local resources. This study's theoretical and methodological framework draws on economic theory, regional economics, and public administration, utilizing synthesis, scientific abstraction, and economic analysis as key methods. The research identifies a system of essential prerequisites for effective inter-municipal cooperation, including the willingness of municipal representatives to collaborate, driven by clear goals and an understanding of the benefits; the presence of suitable entities for partnership; and a well-developed system for organizing these collaborations, shaped by established institutions. A key finding of this research is the crucial relationship between each element of the prerequisite system and the effectiveness of inter-municipal interactions. Analysis of Russian practices shows that many associative organizations lack proactive engagement for achieving meaningful outcomes, leading to largely formal partnerships. Furthermore, members of inter-municipal enterprises often face poorly developed methods and rules for interaction.The findings suggest several directions for enhancing policies at various governmental levels that regulate the development and implementation of inter-municipal cooperation. These policies should adopt a systematic approach that addresses all prerequisites for collaboration, focusing on refining formal norms and regulations while also raising awareness of the features and benefits of this cooperative instrument.

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Arina V. Suvorova — Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4050-2083 (29, Moskovskaya St., Ekaterinburg, 620014, Russian Federation; e-mail: suvorova.av@uiec.ru).

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