2014 ,№2

Institutional Transformation of the Service Sector: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects


The possibilities of the opening of the innovation directions of scientific research of transformation of the sphere of services in the discovery process, the relationships between the internal institutional structure and organizational mechanisms and forms of its manifestation.

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Rais A. Burganov – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization of Production, Kazan State Energy University (Kazan, Russian Federation; e-mail: Burganov-r@mail.ru).

Gennady M. Bystrov – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Head of the  Department of World Economy, Kazan Institute (branch) of  Russian State University of Trade and Economics (Kazan, Russian Federation; e-mail: box041074@yandex.ru).