2013 № 4

Institutional Factors of Social Orders Evolution


Social orders, or the models of social organization, that structure interaction of individuals and their groups, differ in spatial-temporal sense. Social orders and institutional system evolve together, and one never knows what engender what. Among the institutional factors that shape the face of the social orders special place has language4 there are also important non-language factors: religion, state, law, and so on. A conclusion is given that transformation from the limited access orders to the open access orders occurs alongside with a scheme ‘from commonalty to particularity’ which is fair in connection to the all aspects of institutional development.

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Bagrat A. Yerznkyan – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Laboratory, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the  Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail:  lvova1955@mail.ru).