2017, №4

Institutional Antitrust as a Factor of Positive Economic Changes


The aim of the article is to review theoretical concepts of the role of trust and mistrust in modern socio-economic systems as well as to discuss ideas about the prerequisites for constructing the elements of the institutional mechanism of interaction between civil society and power structures. The main hypothesis is the outline of the institutional antitrust mechanism as a way of the constant monitoring, evaluation and criticism by the civil society of the actions of state and municipal authorities in order to ensure conditions for effective socio-economic development. For the successful transition of the Russian autocratic regime into a democratic development path, the proposed antitrust institution will protect the economic system from the spontaneous and abrupt transition from the trust to distrust and vice versa. Institutionalized antitrust is a multi-subject, distributed, permanent, additional element of the democratic system, which can give it stress-resistance and ensure the effectiveness of state and municipal structures. The institute of antitrust can become a creative element in the system of other political and economic institutions aimed at overcoming the deep social crisis that modern Russia has got into. The discussion questions of the article are the issues to measure the dynamics of antitrust, to structure the institution and its interaction with the overall process of modeling of inclusive economic and political institutions of the future democratic structure of the country and its regions. At the same time, these issues are the indicators of the importance of the topic. The author invites to discuss the proposed ideas both critics and young scientists interested in the subject.

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Anatoliy Viktorovich Grebenkin  – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS; Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: avgrebenkin48@yandex.ru).