2016, №2

Impact-management and hierarchy pattern of multi-intellectual system of managing high-tech enterprise


The article states a specific approach to the management of economic and social-economic systems based on impact-management. It has been shown that the idea of impact-management correlates to the peculiarities of modern management systems connected with transition from the systems which use “analytical” approach to the systems which use “holistic” approach. It has been found that human resource management represents one of the most important subsystems of the management system in relation to which it is reasonable to implement ideas of impact-management. In a framework of such approach not only a traditional pattern of remuneration system on high-tech enterprises has been viewed but also a broad context of motivating factors not limited by the only material remuneration. The basic provisions of “Modernization concept of motivation systems of employees” tested in relation to the Public Joint Stock Company «Motovilikha Plants» have been introduced. Two equivalent conceptual components have been revealed: HR-brand of the enterprise and system of total remuneration. The viability of creating a hierarchical multi- intellectual system of management on high-tech enterprises has been explained. It has been shown that within the multi-intellectual system of management there are several decision-making centers and, in addition, the hierarchy levels differ not just in the amount of management authority, but in the right of “delegating the right for delegation”. It has been found that transition to the intellectual system of management changes the nature of managerial links on an enterprise with the dominance of horizontal interaction links. The regulation of managerial procedures has been explained and a modernized system for determination of total remuneration of employees for their labor has been suggested.

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Nikolay Y. Bukhvalov  – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russian Federation; e-mail: nbukhvalov@mail.ru).