2024 (21), №2

Goods in the System of Basic Moral, Ethical and Economic Concepts

For citation: 

Dyatel, E. P. (2024). Goods in the System of Basic Moral, Ethical and Economic Concepts. AlterEconomics, 21(2), 413–430. https://doi.org/10.31063/AlterEconomics/2024.21-2.13


The article aims to explore the essence and attributes of “good” as a moral, ethical, and economic category, alongside methods for its institutionalization in normative and market economies. It pursues two main objectives: first, to delineate the moral and ethical dimensions of “good” as per J. Rawls’ seminal work “The Theory of Justice,” which has received limited attention among Russian economists; and second, to exa­mine the economic aspects of “good” from the perspective of positive economic theory. The study employs a theoretical and methodological framework rooted in economic science, drawing from classical political eco­nomy and neoclassical perspectives, while integrating insights from philosophy, sociology, and legal regulations of economic activities. Methods of comparative analysis are applied, involving critical evaluations of primary sources, historical facts, and economic statistics. The study concludes that “good,” understood as a moral, ethical, and economic concept, reflects the dialectical interplay between natural conditions, historically shaped social factors, and individual resources (factors). These elements collectively influence the dynamics of production, exchange, and consumption in economic services.

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Evgeny P. Dyatel — Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Leading Research Associate at the Center for Economic Theory, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4383-8060 (29, Moskovskaya St., Ekaterinburg, 620014, Russian Federation, 29; e-mail: dyatel1942@mail.ru).

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