For citation:
Bochko, V. S., & Zakharchuk, E. A. (2023). From Standard Territorial Development Strategies to Their Individualization. AlterEconomics, 20(2), 376–391.
In today’s world, it is a common practice to devise strategic documents for the long-term development of territories, which requires not only theoretical and methodological approaches, but also a new individualized approach to the implementation of such strategies. In addition to setting goals, objectives, and measures for achieving a desired future for territories, the authors suggest using tailored approaches that take into account the territory’s unique characteristics in production, economy, and socio-culture. These measures should reflect the needs of specific groups, which are considered the basic social units of individualization in territorial development strategies. The authors emphasize the important roles of heads of regions and municipalities, as well as educated members of local communities in developing individualized strategies. They note that successful individualization requires the unity of administrative and managerial forces, along with social forces. The authors, however, caution against the “cobra effect”, which occurs when individualized strategies only satisfy the needs of a particular group, rather than all social groups in the territory. Overall, this study’s results are recommeded for national, regional and local governments seeking to create and update strategic development documents.
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